Welcome to CommNet²
Help shape the future of Communications
Our Mission
CommNet² is an EPSRC funded network that aims to bring together the UK academic community engaged in ICT research in order to identify, discuss and address the major ICT challenges of the future. This website acts as the central hub of CommNet² and aims to provide information on the activities of its members to the ICT community at large as well as the media, industry and prospective students. Some key features of the website include events booking and calendar; user groups; and directories of members and their Institutions.
Registration, which is quick and straightforward, will enable you to participate fully in the network, post articles, publicise and organise events and share material with collaborators.
CommNet² will bring together academics from the electrical engineering, electronics, communications, networking, mathematics and computer science disciplines to facilitate academic innovation.
CommNet² will enable industrial partners to collaborate with a wide network of academics researching the cutting edge of ICT developments and maintain the UK’s leading position as an innovator in the area.
CommNet² is accessible to anyone interested in contributing to research and innovation in ICT, including both early career researchers and ICT professionals to deliver ground-breaking research.
15th - 16th October 2019 ¦ UK
PGCon Edinburgh Postgraduate ConferenceWed 27 Nov 2019 ¦ UK
Software-isation: The Challenges of Software Quality fo ICT Intense Industries23rd July 2019 ¦ UK
Symposium on New Trends in Communication Engineering (SNTCE)23rd May 2019 ¦ China
UK-Sino Beyond 5G & 6G Workshop11th March 2019 ¦ UK
Workshop on Machine Learning for Cyber Security
The CommNet² Management Board consists of a core team of academics from leading research groups across the UK.
The following Industry Partners have joined CommNet²: British Telecom, Telefonica, National Instruments, Real Wireless.