CommNet² is an EPSRC funded network that aims to bring together the UK academic community engaged in ICT research in order to identify, discuss and address the major ICT challenges of the future..
The challenges necessitate a cross-disciplinary approach to research. Hence, the network will bring together academics from the electrical engineering, electronics, communications, networking, mathematics and computer science disciplines. However, the network is accessible to anyone interested in contributing to research and innovation in ICT, including both early career researchers and ICT professionals as well as established academics.
Industry is welcome to participate in our network activities.
Building on the EPSRC ICT Theme Priorities, CommNet² will deliver a three year programme that includes networking and training events; international research-horizon scanning; and best practice challenge workshops and conferences. Specifically, the network will create a forum to enable coordinated discussions leading to the formulation of future research bids and world-leading publications to promote internationally leading research activities.